Mobile Deposit
A Mobile deposit allows depositing your check from anywhere, anytime. Available for personal and business accounts.
Download our App and begin banking from anywhere!

Bill Pay
Schedule automated payments, set reminders about payment due dates and more. Let us help you get organized.
ACH payments are an efficient and cost effective alternative to paper checks or credit cards.
Access your bank statement electronically at any time. A convenient and eco-friendly tool. Go paperless!
Login to your account and establish your preferences.
Wire Transfers
Wire Transfers give you the ability to transfer funds from your account to any bank account within the U.S. or other country. You may receive money from any bank in the U.S. or other country into your account with Intercredit Bank, N.A.
Foreign Exchange Wire Transfers
Make your international payments in any currency, simple and secure.
Talk to one of our banking professionals and find the best payment solutions for you. Call us at 305.375.8442 or visit your nearest Intercredit Bank Office.